Summer Soccer

"Hard Work Beats Talent, When Talent Doesn't Work Hard" -T. Notke

Pickup Soccer (K-2)

MAYSA's Summer Pick-up (K-2) is a recreational program for kids entering Kindergarden in the fall through those currently in second grade (K-2).  

We believe that for this very young age group having fun, getting "touches" and simply playing will go a long way towards helping them further develop their skill set and enjoy the game.  

For 2024, K - 2 Pickup will run the following weeks/times at Coolspring Fitness Center.


A waiver will need to be signed for anyone not already registered with MAYSA.

'Middle school and up' Pickup

MAYSA's Summer 'middle school and up' pickup is a recreational run for everyone entering 7th - 12th grade, and their parents & siblings. 

Each week we have players of varying experience, from those just learning to those who have played in college.

Dates and times:  TBD

The spirit of Summer Pickup Soccer is that of a much less structured or "pickup" game atmosphere.  Adult Coordinators oversee the action while the kids simply play.  Each week teams are created from those children that show up that week.

Summer pickup is conducted at our fields at Cool Springs Fitness Center, 1051 East Cornell Rd.  

Kids must bring shin guards.  Cleats are highly recommended.  Don't have cleats? We usually have donated cleats available that the kids can take from.

You will also need to sign a Liability Waiver in order to participate.  They will be available on site.

All evenings are designed to be a relaxed family-friendly setting.  While on the fields cheering on kids, we do not permit alcoholic beverages nor smoking.  Also, we ask all cheering keep with the spirit of positive coaching, that is, an instructional, recreational and fun environment for the children.

Parents must stay at the field where their child is playing for the entire duration of the session.  Kids this age require some guidance from their parents in order to keep things organized for everyone.


P.O. Box 40

Mercer, PA 16137

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